Impossible Force Awakens quiz

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Test your Star Wars: The Force Awakens knowledge. This quiz is for big Star Wars nerds. No noobs because you will fail! This quiz is about really random characters!

Get deedled up with Star Wars aliens! Do not try this quiz if you have not seen Star Wars! The quiz is about really random and ugly aliens from Star Wars!

Created by: Deedle
  1. What species is Athgar Heece?
  2. Which one has never been a part of Kanjiklub?
  3. What is TR-8R's real name?
  4. Which of these is not in Maz Kanata's castle?
  5. What species is Gwellis Bagnoro?
  6. Who is a Dowutin?
  7. What is the Crimson Corsair's real name?
  8. What does it say on Ello Asty's helmet?
  9. Who is an X-Wing pilot?
  10. What kind of junk does 'Crusher' Roodown carry?

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