Important news alert

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Hi people! there is news that you should really know. It might not be what you think it is going to be. that is it. totally, truly it. Blah blah blah blah

chex and gogo are my cats which were kittens once upon a time and yeah that is it. and i wanna stop typing but i can't. also i have an itch right below my neck.

Created by: N/A
  1. As you already know, there is some important news I want you to know.
  2. It is not what you think it is going to be.
  3. It is........
  5. My younger sister is getting a Gotoquiz account!
  6. Her account's username is Unipup!
  7. And that is totally it.
  8. Also I am so sorry, "the other side" is being delayed.
  9. Please check Unipup's quizzes out, we would both appreciate it a TON!
  10. Bye guys!

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