Imperatives in Hindi (quiz)

Hindi Quiz for Hindi learners. You will know what the imperatives are and how we can give commands and requests in Hindi in formal, casual and intimate way.

Hindi Quiz will let you know weather you are a genius or you need to work more. This is very good quiz for the Hindi beginners.You can take this quiz as many times as you need to.

Created by: kusum

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Fill the gap आप घर ........
  2. Fill the gapतुम चाय .............
  3. Fill the gapतुम खाना ..........
  4. Fill the gap तू खाना ..........
  5. Fill the gap आप चिट्ठी ..........
  6. Fill the gap आप काम ...........
  7. Fill the gap ........... जल्दी आइए
  8. Fill the gap ..........क़िताब दो
  9. Fill the gap ........कुरसी पर बैठिए
  10. Fill the gap .........पानी पिओ
  11. Fill the gap ........चाय मत पी

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