im i a good girlfriend?

lots of people are great girlfriend. you just might be one of them.tack this quizz to see. hope you like it . problby are a great gilfriend.see right now tack this quizz.come on its fun.kk

you should take this quizz if your a great or good or just okay girlfriend . see what you are right now.hope you like this quizz its fun to me are you a good girlfriend you might be just tht find out now.kk

Created by: anna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you stand behind him when his in a fight?
  2. do you sit by him in class
  3. if him and your friend get in a fight do you belive him or your friend?
  4. do you talk a lot a round him
  5. do you say he looks handsome that day?
  6. do you say i love you
  7. do you know his middle name?
  8. do you like his looks or his personality
  9. do you like him for him?
  10. do you like another boy

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