ill make you pee your pants

try not to pee your pants! the ultimate quiz if you have a full bladder! maybe youll pee? or maybe not! try it out in this quiz! you are not forced to do anything!

this is the try not to pee your pants quiz! always fun to do with some friends!it is a very fun quiz and obviously you are NOT forced to do anything!!

Created by: noelle van den brink
  1. ok, so lets start with the first question: what is your current bladder condition?
  2. second question: if your last results where 1,2 or 3 go have 2 cups of water. if you had 4,5 or 6 go have 1. if you had 7 or 8 ill let you settle with a half. then take some toilet paper and put it in your undies(if you dont want to you dont have to)
  3. question three: go sit or stand with your legs open. google some water sounds and relax. NO HOLDING FOR 1 MINUTE!
  4. question four: this is a story. so you go to a sport competition and you drink a lot because its hot outside. youre starting to regret that when you see the long queue at the toilets. what do you do?
  5. question five: okay now you can relax just tickle your bladder and stop holding for 10 seconds.
  6. okay next one, question six: do 15-20 jumping jacks, then sit push on that bladder for 10 seconds and do that 5 times!
  7. were almost done! question seven:10 pushups then think of water
  8. question eight: go sit like your going to pee, then walk to the bathroom and take a towel(if you want)
  9. question nine: do everything you would normally do when you pee, but dont actually pee(and keep your pants on!!). how do you feel?
  10. last question! question ten: okay this is a hard one drink 1 glass of water, then look for running water sounds when your not holding and pushing your bladder.done with that? okay then 10 jumping jack and watch funny videos while no holding for 10 mins. and, you good?
  11. okay! youre done! how do your pants/undies look?

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Quiz topic: Ill make you pee my pants

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