iLink apparently my name is too short

ugh so i have to type something here but I really don't care so I'm going to just type words to take up space. I still need like twenty words now 10 lol done.

Why do I have to do this I just want to make the quiz quit wasting my life aaagh sadface stop making me type why u do this 2me I never did you wrong D:

Created by: Ramon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was iLink's first brawl main?
  2. Brawl or Melee?
  3. Where did the name iLink come from?
  4. Where was iLink born?
  5. Which sport does iLink mostly play?
  6. What of these is iLink's favorite N64 game?
  7. Which of these is iLink's favorite pokemon?
  8. Which of these instruments can iLink play?
  9. What is iLink most afraid of?
  10. iLink's shoe size?

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