If you woke up as a boy...

Hello people! I've ALWAYS wanted to create a cool quiz like this! And now I've made it! I really hope you will like it, because it took me nearly two days to create it!

I am at a total loss of what to say, so now I'm just gonna write gibberish. Where is my nose? On my tongue or in my thumb? Ah, on my face! People are cool!

Created by: Natalya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your alarm beeped. You check the time; the clock reads 7:00 a.m. Time to get up! As you go to the bathroom, you think ,"Hmm, where are my boobs gone? And there is something weird between my legs. Whatever could that be?" You are now in the bathroom. You take off your pyjama trousers and see different pissing organs down there. What a weird surprise! What is your reaction?
  2. After your surprising trip to the bathroom, you decide it's time to get dressed and ready for breakfast! Which clothes do you put on?
  3. You decide to go skateboarding with your friends at the local skate park after breakfast. You have five friends. With how many friends do you go?
  4. For one cool hour, you (and your friend/s) were skateboarding! Until suddenly, you (or one of your friends) fell from your (their) skateboard in an awkward position to the ground with a loud bump! Oh no! You (or one of your friends) have (has) twisted your (his/her) ankle! "Ouch, that hurts SO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!," you (or one of your friends) yell in pain. Quickly, you (or one of your friends) go to the telephone box and call 999 (or 911) for the ambulance. In about two minutes or so, you (and your friend/s) saw and heard the big, green ambulance driving up the road to the injured you (or your injured friend). The paramedics and doctor examine your (your friend's) twisted ankle. "Hmmm, you twisted your ankle badly. You (your friend) will have to sit in the back of our ambulance to the hospital so that we can try and speed up the process of your (your friend's) leg healing and recovering." said the doctor seriously. Do (does) you (your friend) agree with the doctor's advice?
  5. 2 weeks later, you (or your friend) finally comes out from the hospital for good with a healthy, strong, mended ankle! Hooray! What do you say on this happy day?
  6. For lunch, your mother offers you a choice of either fish and chips, mac'n'cheese, or BBQ and Greek salad. Which lunch do you choose?
  7. Before you know it, evening is already on it's way! "How quickly the time flies!" you think. But, your laziness doesn't last for long! You decide to do something. But what?
  8. After you did whatever you did, you looked at the clock in your bedroom. It read 9:00 p.m. "Time to have a bath and go to bed, I think," you thought. And that's what you did. You had a long bath, and then started to get ready for bed. But what did you do?
  9. In the middle of a wonderful dream, you are awakened by a ghost. It introduces itself as Colin Coconut. "What a weird name!" you thought. Colin then asks you a serious, life-changing question. "I have a serious, life-changing question for you. The answer you choose will have a lifelong effect on your life. Do you want to be male for the rest of your life and lose the ability to become pregnant, or do you want to be female for the rest of your life (time starts tomorrow) and have the ability to be beautiful and have boobs?" asked Colin. What is your answer to Colin's question?

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