If you know Minecraft?

a Minecraft quiz that you will have fun with! Please do not go on the internet. I would like it if you don't. And do not go to Minecraft either! Again, I would like if you don't.

Don't read this it is because i have nothing to say... hyufjiruhrhfrifhrfhjsdijfurfjfrjjdjfjfdjosiuffjdpfifhfdijdsidjfijuggtbthgifhgvfhihfuhghghuhughfhuug. Done!

Created by: The Crafter
  1. What do you do to beat the game?
  2. What is the rarest thing in the Minecraft planet?
  3. How many diamonds do you craft leggings?
  4. (Only for 1.16. Skip if your a earlier version) What do you have for striders to follow?
  5. What is the best way to die?
  6. How do you like the quiz?
  7. How are you feeling right now
  8. Almost done! Which mod is one of the best?
  9. Do you play Mine-imator?
  10. How to make a wither

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