If you got kidnapped

Do you think you will get kidnapped? Do you think you will survive. You will see if you will survive or DIE. You should take this quiz and see how you do.

I think you will pass. If you don't you need to work very hard. I know you can do great. But work very hard and you will pass. Bye....... ☺☺☺☺☺😊😡😉😯😉😯

Created by: Queenboss345
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You where at the airport. You are in new Jersey. You see three taxi's Which one would you chose?
  2. Either taxi you chose you go in. Once you got in the guy that was driving locked the door. What do you do.
  3. Ethier thing you do it didn't work. You eventually start to get tired. You fall asleep and wake up in a room. Your tied to a chair. Your legs are tied together. So are your hands. What do you do?
  4. A man comes in through the door. He says " I will keep you hostage till your parents give me $1,000,000. What do you say?
  5. He knocked you out. You woke up on a bed. The door is open. What do you do.
  6. You see some boobie traps. Would you walk over there?
  7. Either way you walk silently doging all boobie traps. You find the door leading to outside. You open the door. An alarm goes off. What do you do?
  8. Either way you are able to escape. You find your mom. You say "Mom go fast." You:
  9. Did you like this quiz
  10. Bye

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