If you don't re post this you will die

You will not be kissed on the nearest friday, you will not die by a hooded figure in your room, heck you won't win the flippin lottery. CHAINMAIL ISN'T REAL.

You will not be kissed on the nearest friday, you will not die by a hooded figure in your room, heck you won't win the flippin lottery. CHAINMAIL ISN'T REAL.

Created by: Yep

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I'm here to address people who get scared of chainmail and then re post because they think they are in actual danger.
  2. When you see something that includes the words "if you don't re post this in the next 10 mins you will die tommorow" Its fake. Utterly, completely fake. Your not going to die.
  3. When you repost it in the comments of someone's quiz you are insulting everyone and showing how gullible you are.
  4. Making an acount on gotoquiz.com just to repost things that aren't going to hurt you, is ridiculous. You understand that right?
  5. It is called chainmail, look it up, it was designed by old lonely people who like to scare children.
  6. It is called chainmail, look it up, it was designed by old lonely people who like to scare children.
  7. I am making this quiz because on every single quiz on this WHOLE WEBSITE in the comments there is at least one reposted chainmail, and its getting ridiculous. :P
  8. I am making this quiz because on every single quiz on this WHOLE WEBSITE in the comments there is at least one reposted chainmail, and its getting ridiculous. :P
  9. So if you are a reposter of chainmail for the love of all that is intelligant in this world please freaking stop. You are scaring young children! This is a family website for all ages! Kids should not be getting scared from chainmail!
  10. thats all

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