If WW3 broke out, what would you do?

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World War 3 Breaks out and 99% of the countries in the world are involved. Now weather you are a wimp of a hero it doesn't matter. You will be a part of that war.

Are you a warrior? You think you got what it takes to survive? Well now is the right time to prove how brave and caring you are and lets find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: Tamoor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you woke up one morning and heard that World War 3 broke out what would your reaction be?
  2. During the first couple days of war you...
  3. It's been 2 long weeks and you hear bomb blasts in your city, what do you do?
  4. A month passes by and the government announces state of Emergency, you...
  5. The Russian soldiers step foot on your soil
  6. That same night you hear footsteps outside your door, you...
  7. One of your Aunt's son is crying out loud, you...
  8. One soldier hears a cry and breaks in the house, you instantly...
  9. One of your friends gets shot on their leg, you...
  10. You hear about more soldiers comming your way, you hurridly...
  11. You managed to escape, now what do you do?

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