if rart? find are rart?

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Ok so here we got a quiz to find out if you are rart or not if you are rart then you can find out and then seek help if not then you are good and get a pass

So yea jsut fill out questiosn and hopefully you arnt rareterd because that would make you a bad human being and i would be dissapointed in you and your family

Created by: Gobie
  1. Have you watched more than three full seasons of the Naruto Anime?
  2. Have you ever owned a bakugan?
  3. Do you think that goth people should be allowed to vote in elections?
  4. Is listening to skrillex for a year cringe?
  5. Have you engaged in a sexual activity with someone who is 'grunge'?
  6. Should penguins be considered enemies of the state?
  7. Have you played fortnite within the past month?
  8. Do you identify as LGTBQUFAEITNAGJ+?
  9. Are you a furry?
  10. What would happen if god was a pig

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