If i knew u,would u be my friend?

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Will U be my twin bff or not? will u become my new best friend? take my qwiz and find out! its qwick and easy,only 10 quiestions and then it will be over!

r u looking for a new bff? well ur taking the qwiz and i guess u will find out soon. these quiestions r easy to answer! even a 3 year old can take it!

Created by: Skaterchic
  1. wats ur sterotype?
  2. fav animals?
  3. fav colors?
  4. if u were stranded on an island with only a life time supplie of food,wat food would it be?
  5. if u were stranded on an island with only a life time supplie of drink,wat drink would it be?
  6. fav singer?
  7. fav band?
  8. Twilight or Harry potter?
  9. r u mean?
  10. on a scale from 1-10 how funny r u?(1 for boring 10 for funny)

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