Are You Like Our 7th Grade Class?
I mad this quiy because I wanted people too see how much i love my class,thez rock..well some of them do anyway. O man I nedd more crap thank god for copz and pasting.I mad this quiy because I wanted people too see how much i love my class,thez rock..well some of them do anyway. O man I nedd more crap thank god for copz and pasting.I mad this quiy because I wanted people too see how much i love my class,thez rock..well some of them do anyway. O man I nedd more crap thank god for copz and pasting.
I never knew you were so sad, I never knew you felt so alone, It makes me feel really bad, Like I couldnt even help my friend, I hope you know I will always care, I will always be there for you, I love you, so dont you dare, If you took your life I would die, I love you like a brother, And I always will, But I would rather, You would not have to suffer, So if its really that bad, I will forgive you, In a way I will be glad, If I know that you no longer have to be in pain,
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