iconic girls rule

many people luv the iconic boys they're the best dance crew ever. I hop u enjoy this quiz that I made especially for girls who luv iconic boys. btw this quiz rocks!

soon do u luv iconic boys if u do this is the quiz for u. maybe he u don't but totally take my quiz anyways. oh also r us a boy Micah cause these guys r cute so I'll luv them if u like boys. btw I like mikey wat bout u?

Created by: Beatrice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. waz ur fave color
  2. yo wat music's urs
  3. wats your favorite iconic boy
  4. favourite store
  5. favorite style of boy
  6. favorite food
  7. take a break or go on with this quiz?btw it beach gonna leave it's too awesome!
  8. let fate choose
  9. so wars he favorite singer
  10. byeez

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