I will return. I will watch.

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Get her back. Or she leaves. I am always watching. She screams. scream. scream. As she runs. runs. runs. she never leaves. But you can get her back. scream.

Hello, I know who you are. I do watch though so of course I do. Run, run, run. That is what happens to people who don't listen. You can never run too far before the end.

Created by: Me
  1. She sings then bang. What happened.
  2. She sleeps. Where?
  3. Who never leaves but always watches.
  4. When I say to run how many times do I say it.
  5. What is her favourite thing to sing.
  6. What watched me sleep?
  7. How many la's does the stuck girl sing?
  8. I warn them. what do they do?
  9. Do you think you will get her back. (pick Yes)
  10. Who are you saving?

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