I am going to READ YOUR MIND!! (Also this is my first quiz so please don't hate me) I always find it cool how people can do this stuff! I hope you like it!

Also, I would like you to keep in mind, I DID NOT come up with this. Credit goes to udemy.com for making this up. Please don't get mad at me! It's very hard to make these things up!

Created by: Oooh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Choose any number between 1 and 20! Make sure to remember this number for later on!
  2. Now, double your number! (Or times it by 2)
  3. Add 9 to this new number!
  4. Subtract this new number by 3!
  5. Divide this new number by 2!
  6. I hope you remember your original number! Subtract your original number by the number you halved.
  7. Think of this number!
  8. You're not thinking hazard enough! Think more!
  9. I got this number!
  10. Are you ready to find out? (I have to add this question because I need a minimum. Sorry)
  11. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: I WILL READ my MIND!!!!