i will predict your future!

their are many people out their in the world who don't have a future so if you take/took this quiz please don't be mean to me or other people if they don't have a future. thank you for reading

do you really want to know your future? well go on to this quiz and you can find out if you could have a possibility of being a doctor artist or a designer. good luck

Created by: fantasy and pop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you prefer to paint play doctors or draw clothes and acessories
  2. do you love painting?
  3. do you like gory things?
  4. do you like shopping?
  5. whats your hobby(out of these)
  6. what would you do on your 2 hour break at work
  7. do you like this quiz?
  8. would you do this quiz again?
  9. on a scale of 1 to 12 what would yo rate this quiz (couldn't fit all the numbers on so some are on the next question
  10. following answers from question 11

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Quiz topic: I will predict my future!