I think this is the easiest quiz EVER

This is the dummest quiz so please just dont tell me im dumb cause i made this for fun please oh please get a good score can you promise me that you will?Thanks!

If you get all of these wrong,your dumb if you get 'em all right great job on you!I hope you do okay?Okay!Just so you know i did not make this for total genuises if you are 1 please dont make fun of me i was bored before making this!

Created by: Brianna
  1. Are vampires real
  2. You have a name
  3. Fairies (other then the tooth fairy ok?)are not real
  4. your alive
  5. If you want to show manners in a restaurant you...
  6. This is gonna be the hardest question in the quiz-what pets do i have?
  7. whitch is true
  8. True or False:this is the 8th question
  9. Your dumb if you dont get these (or most of these) correctly
  10. This is question number 10000000

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