I Know Your Secret pt. 21

Welcome to part 21 of I Know Your Secret! Now, don't beat me up. I know it's been a long time- like a year- since I updated this story but I honestly gave up. I moved on to wattpad and I write there but I then realized how many people I let down. I felt terrible and I decided to not give up! Even though I lost the whole plot in this story but I finally regained it and made a lot of changes. Now, after re-reading this, I felt kind of sick! xD I realized my writing needed a lot of editing. The reason why I noticed is because my writing now has improved and changed.
I want to redo the whole story but decided not to because that's a lot of work. But one day I will on wattpad! Now, I am currently working on four stories so please be patient! Since I took up both intros, the character's descriptions, powers and recap will be on the first three paragraphs! I hope some of you didn't die during my absence and enjoy this part~ :)