I Got A Question For You

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Hi stranger, I got a question for you and I would like to anwser me. I think it's time for you to meet the real Lia. I'm not that nice, but I'm not Satan lmao.

Soooo you can go on and take the quiz. No, wait, actually it's not a "quiz" you just have to read it. I think I should did it in Quotev instead of here. But, eh, I created a new account sooo yeah... Follow me: liasenpaii

Created by: h0n3y_lia
  1. No, like, seriuosly, am I THAT mean?
  2. I took some quizzes and I got mean all the time and well-
  3. I mean, I do consider myself as mean, but not mean as a bad person
  4. But yeah I like to gossip and say mean stuff and i'm careless but-
  5. I don't think I'm mean as a bad person
  6. I'm a bit mean because people get on my nerves and I'm sick of being a crybaby, sensitive and easly manipulated
  7. So now I act tough so they can leave me the f--- alone
  8. Noooow this is all
  9. Comment what you think
  10. Bye <3

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