i dont know right now | Comments

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  • Burning goopy sensation

    As you trip over a conveniently placed paperclip your head smashes into a dresser door. This will cause a lava lamp to spontaniously combust in your face causing hot, goopy liquids to deteriate your flesh on your face.

    Crazy Monopoly Man
    Frozen to Death
    Anger Towards Quiz
    Electrified Death by Toothbrush
    An army of Three-toed Sloths
    Yeti Sighting
    My brother has a lava lamp! :O

    Sarah Soda Slim
  • Wow I got electrified toothbrush WEIRD BUT like the quiz I guess.............. ................... .....

  • sweet yet creepy im scared of monopoly now thx a lot.....jk

    charlotte fan

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