I can torture you................ WITH WORDS!!!!!

So, you think I can torture you with words, because I will. I will make a super long quiz to torture you, but it might be long or not, you have to take the quiz to find out.

Blah Blah Blah, I didn't want to write this.............. someone save me....... please, I don't want to be tortured by this.............................

Created by: Eevzard
  1. So, you want to here the first question?
  2. You sure you want to?
  3. I don't know, the title said "torture you," so are you sure you want to go on?
  4. Ya, I think I'll end the quiz here....
  5. Ok, it will go on.
  6. Do you think I can torture you?
  7. Well, has it been torturing you?
  8. Well, it almost here, do you think I could?
  9. And....
  10. It.....
  11. Is......
  12. *Looks at watch* Oh, question delayed

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