I can read your Heart!!

There are not many people that can read hearts, but I can. Do you believe it? If you don't, you better come and try this quiz, and you will have to believe it.

Can I read your heart? Can I really do so? Maybe you don't believe it now, but after you finish this great quiz, in a few minutes, you better believe it.

Created by: Miffy Chan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First, choose a number you like in 1 to 9. Choose "none of the above" if not given and answer in the next question.
  2. Continued last question
  3. Then get a calculator and multiply the number you have chosen by 9
  4. After you get the number, multiply the unit digit by its tenth digit. (example: If the number is 36, then it is 3+6)
  5. Subtract the number by 4
  6. So I advice you to calculate again, since there may be some mistakes. Do you get the same answer?
  7. So now I already know your answer
  8. Maybe we shall have I talk before you read your result.
  9. Do you believe I can really read your heart?
  10. Now you are going to read the result. Are you ready?

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Quiz topic: I can read my Heart!!