I CAN GUESS YOUR RACE!!!(Password:password) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz I CAN GUESS YOUR RACE!!!(Password:password).
CAN GUESS YOUR RACE!!!(Password:pa ssword)
Your Result: AsianCool! You are pretty Asian. You look really nerdy, and lots of people think that you have a higher intelligence level than your acquaintances. Good luck!
African/Midd le Eastern
North/South AmericanI wish I was, sadly I am stuck with being American.
CAN GUESS YOUR RACE!!!(Password:pa ssword)
Your Result: AsianCool! You are pretty Asian. You look really nerdy, and lots of people think that you have a higher intelligence level than your acquaintances. Good luck!
African/Midd le Eastern
Actually , I'm American. -
You're so Australian, go hang out with Iggy Azalea or Lorde....just kidding, You're very cool and very awesome! Some people might consider you rich, but your are I think the same. You guys are very :DD
South American! Not that, but interesting.
I got African but I'm American. Cool quiz overall!
True -
Asian. Yep.
i got asian, then i changed the intelligence to -90 and born wealthy to no and got african/middle eastern this s---s racist af
Asian.u r right.but the last question seemed lame.
Raisa1 -
I got asian although I'm european.
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