I can guess your favourite fruit

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If you do this quiz you will win 999,999,99 pieces of fruit.to win your fruit go to, [no urls] I have to make it 150 characters fruiteeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!


Created by: Fruit Man of [no urls] Fruit
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favourite Colour?
  2. Juice or smoothie
  3. What qualities do you look for in a fruit?
  4. Now do you want to hear a story?
  5. Your at the grocery store buying fresh fruit. The store is doing a sale for oranges and bananas. They are especially delicious fruit and they only cost $12.00 each. You buy one of each and put them in your shopping bag and bring them to the counter. You are giving the money to the shop keeper but you accidentally drop $12! It lands into a woman’s shopping bag. You try to get it back but she slaps you. Which fruit will you buy?
  6. What texture do you like your fruit?
  7. What did your mum pack you for primary school
  8. Round or not
  9. Do you like the bananoranges?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: I can guess my favourite fruit
