I can guess your age range! | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz I can guess your age range!
Yeah!!! I guess this is one of those rare quizzes that actually gets something right in my life!!! I'm a child AKA: under 12....... I'm turning eleven
You use the first questions you cheat I changed the age and it was different
Im a teenager u fool!!! Lol
Im a teenager u fool!!! Lol
Your a teenager under 18 and v\over 12. IM 11
BadBihh1 -
I wish I was a kid again lol
Zimswife1 -
umm yeah its the first question ....joking...it got it right im a teenager:)
fatii961 -
CHILD??!???!! no no no im a teenager XP 14 years old.
this failed...
Dude, seriously? Like, I'm about to be 25 and you say I'm a Teenager? So inaccurate, man
child. EEEEHH! wrong! teenager
child yepp im 11
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