i can guess which gravity falls character you picked.

pick one of these four characters from gravity falls: mabel, dipper, gruncle stan, or soos. i will try to guess which one you chose...................

there is literally nothing else to say, why are you making me type so much????? what do you want from me?!?!?!?! pls stop this!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Created by: sherbert ice
  1. hair color?
  2. height (compared to others)?
  3. body type?
  4. age?
  5. gender?
  6. color of clothes?
  7. personality?
  8. is this quiz stupid?
  9. | __| ` x / | / |||| |||(__)__)) cat
  10. ∧,,,∧( • · • )/    You want my heart? ∧,,,∧(  • · • )/    ♡ Ok here's my heart ∧,,,∧(  • · • )U ♡C~ Nevermind, you dont deserve it

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