I bet you can't get this quiz right | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz I bet you can't get this quiz right.
You got 35% on this quiz!
Eh... This is probably the highest score anyone can get. If you got this score, then it's probably the highest.
Well, we'll see. Hopefully someday somebody will suprise you with getting a much higher score. I will try again and post you my new results, okay. I belive this is fair and that it IS possible to get more right because otherwise it wouldn't be fair. So I'll post you again with my new results after I try again.
Only 23 percent...
Now I got 40%. I'll try again just to try to prove you wrong.)
Now it was olny 13%. I'm going to close out of this quiz right now. You're so disencouarging.
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