I bet you can't get 0%

I guess some people just can't outsmart the smart. 10 year olds tend to be that way. If you didn't know I was 10 I bet you're feeling kinda stupid right now.

Are YOU a genius? Take this quiz and try your chance to outsmart the smart by getting 0%. If you can do that you definitely are a genius. GOOD LUCK!!!

Created by: Chandler11
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. What gender am I?
  5. I'm awesome.
  6. Do you think you can get 0%?
  7. Repeat after me:supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  8. What is my favorite website?
  9. What's my name?
  10. Last Question.

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