I Am a Writer

I am Wind, the voice of, here today, because of love. The love of words, the letters' passion, giving you, your alphabet ration. Just skip this, this is just filler.

Go down, to find the real thriller! Are you still reading? I want to know! Don't read this, read the following, that's below! Go down, like Alice and the hole, don't worry, you won't find coal!

Created by: Wind
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I am a writer, a lover of words.
  2. Writing the secrets, that nobody heard.
  3. I can go without food, for days on end.
  4. But without writing, my death would impend.
  5. Writing brings understanding, it summons tears, writing stops fighting, it conquers our fears.
  6. Some people say, they don't have a need, to learn or to speak, to write or to read.
  7. They don't understand me, they called me a nerd.
  8. They just can't, comprehend my words.
  9. So laugh and jeer, make fun of my writing.
  10. You can't stop my words, they will keep fighting.
  11. Now I am done, my heart feels much lighter, just remember this.....
  12. I am a writer

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