Board Game Quizzes
This is the category for board games of all varieties. From games of strategy, like Chess and Risk, to more light-hearted favorites, like Candyland. We will keep adding more quizzes as our visitors create them.
Our Board Game Quizzes
- Which chess piece are you[by: Zero, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Feb 1, 2007]
Chess is a fun game to play. There are several different pieces. The pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen and king. Each are important in their own way. If you…
- Which strategy game are you?[by: The Geek, rated: 4.21rated: 4.21/5, published: Apr 8, 2014]
There are many strategy games out there, some with more strategy then others, the answers to this quiz are my top 4 favourites. Take this quiz, this very…
- Tales of the Crystals: Who Are You?[by: Meg, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Aug 2, 2007]
In the rather old board game Tales of the Crystals - you have to assume a position in the group as part of a team. There are four different results and all…
- Which Chess opening should I play?[by: zx, rated: 3.59rated: 3.59/5, published: Jun 13, 2022]
Which opening should you play? The Italian? The Sicilian? Or the French? There are so many different options to choose from. It's so confusing especially for…
- Which Chess Champion Are You?[by: Crazychessplaya, rated: 3.53rated: 3.53/5, published: May 1, 2009]
Emanuel Lasker, Jose Raul Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine, Mikhail Tal, Tigran Petrosian, Robert James Fischer and Garry Kasparov were all great chess champions.
- Which CLUE character are you?[by: Miss Scarlet, rated: 4.55rated: 4.55/5, published: May 14, 2020]
Have you ever played the famous board game CLUE? Or have you seen the movie and loved it? Or maybe both! But... which one of the characters best suits you? To…
- What Board Game Are You?[by: Jay, rated: 3.46rated: 3.46/5, published: Feb 25, 2008]
We humans all like to play boardgames, right? But an age old question is what board game are we... well I guess not, but what's the harm in trying? Right.
- Which chess opening fits your personality?[by: Crazychessplaya, rated: 3.41rated: 3.41/5, published: Jun 7, 2009]
Some chess openings are better suited to your personality than others. A violent King's Gambit will simply not suit a player who prefers a positional approach…
- How obnoxious a chessplayer are you?[by: Crazychessplaya, rated: 3.39rated: 3.39/5, published: May 12, 2009]
This quiz is all about manners and etiquette in chess. Are you a gentleman at the board? Do others like to play against you? Are you a role model for other…
- What board game are you?[by: Madrose56, rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Aug 24, 2014]
The world is full of games; card games, video games, strategy games, even mind games. But the most classic games of all are board games. Which one do you…
- Which board game fits you best?[by: Lily, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Feb 16, 2010]
Do you like playing games but don't know what fits you best? This quiz will tell you which one fits best! Four distinct board games are the possibilities.…
- Which board game are you?[by: Rosalind, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: Jan 8, 2008]
From the dawn of time man has asked himself a simple question, if I was a board game which would I be? This quiz is for ages 10+ *Choking hazard for small…
- How can you improve your chess?[by: Crazychessplaya, rated: 3.1rated: 3.1/5, published: Jun 6, 2009]
What could you do, if anything, to improve your chess? Should you improve your opening skills? Does the endgame deserve more attention? Do you need to improve…
- What board game should you play[by: Rujay, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Dec 23, 2019]
This quiz is going to show you what game you would like. Don't worry, if you have the game the result gives you you could just play the game more often.
- Which The Resistance: Avalon character are you?[by: AuraofMana, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Jul 7, 2014]
The Resistance: Avalon is a 5-10 player board game where players are split into two teams. One team is led by Merlin, and they are the loyal servants of…
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