Magical Girl Anime
This category features anime in the Magical Girl genre, a sub-genre of Fantasy which is centered on young girls who possess magical abilities. What is your favorite magical girl anime?
Our Magical Girl Quizzes
- How Much do You Know About Glitter Force?[by: FriskPacifist1, rated: 4.26rated: 4.26/5, published: Nov 8, 2019]
How high can you score on this quiz about the Glitter Force anime?
- What Glitter Force Doki Doki Character Are You ?[by: Maya, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Jan 18, 2022]
Glitter Force Doki Doki(DokiDoki! Precure) is the second Glitter Force series. It consists of the 3rd and 4th seasons of the brand as a whole and the ninth…
- Which glitter force character are you?[by: Luv myself, rated: 4.16rated: 4.16/5, published: Mar 3, 2016]
Hi! The Glitter Force is a popular anime created by Netflix. When 5 girls are grouped together from a pixie named candy, they become the legendary warriors…
- Which Magia Record Character Are You?[by: Emma, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Aug 23, 2019]
Can't get enough of Madoka Magica? Of course you can't! It's frickin' awesome! So, wanna know what Magia Record Character you are? Let's find out!
- How Well do You Know Glitter Force?[by: Clara Ford, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Oct 17, 2019]
Iiiiiiiiiiit's Glitter Force! Come on, everybody! Test those skills and see how much you remember about my favorite Glitter Girls! Good luck and have fun!
- Which Puella Magi Madoka Magica girl are you?[by: My, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Apr 30, 2011]
This is a quiz that will determine which Puella Magi Madoka Magica girl you are most like. The quiz may contain minor spoilers, so if you haven't watched the…
- Which Guardian Are you?[by: Abiel, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Jan 1, 2008]
Which Guardian are you?This quiz is made to be known if you are fit to be a guardian too.This quiz is about an anime or show called shugo chara.This quiz will…
- What Should Your Sailor Scout Name Be?[by: Usagi, rated: 3.73rated: 3.73/5, published: Oct 30, 2016]
Who loves Sailor Moon? She has been fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight for as long as we can remember. We have always wanted to be one of…
- Which Puella Magi Madoka Magica Character are You?[by: unikat35006, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Nov 21, 2014]
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a very good 12 episode anime. It is a magical girl type but has some dark themes in it. There is a lot of emotion and cool…
- Which "Sailor Moon" Guardian Are You?[by: Jayfeather310, rated: 4.63rated: 4.63/5, published: Jun 18, 2020]
"Sailor Moon" is a very well-known manga and Japanese animated television series. The animated series aired from 1992 to 1997 and was based on the series of…
- Are you Madoka Kaname or Homura Akemi?[by: VioletEyedDolly, rated: 4.4rated: 4.4/5, published: Oct 27, 2020]
Hello there! My name is Violet and this quiz is a doozy. It's about a anime show (that I quite fancy) called Puella Magi Madoka Magica! If you haven't watched…
- Which Shugo Chara! Guy is for You?[by: Rachelle, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Feb 26, 2009]
Which Shugo Chara! guy are you best with? Take this quiz and find out! Good questions, with a great description (well, I thought). *you: Better be...* *me:…
- Which Sailor Moon character are you?[by: Sailor Mars, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Dec 11, 2014]
Sailor Moon is a anime show about Sailor Moon trying to stop the evil Queen Beryl along with the other sailor scouts. They are helped by a trio of talking cats.
- What Glitter Force Doki Doki Warrior Are YOU?[by: Bella, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Aug 25, 2019]
You've played cards and watched glitter force . You still can not find a connection. But there is in all— new glitter force doki doki . Heart , diamond,…
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