Hunger Games Story part 1

I know that most people don't read these so I'm just going to hit random buttons. Nentgehgeyjdyjgd)sgjdhgjydgdjygfyjVdeggenhgdjhdghjgdjgdhjwg)md s/dbgj

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Created by: Unicorngirl2
  1. You wake up to the sounds of the miners walking stiffly to the mines for their long, grueling day working like slaves for the capitol. Your little sister Ally just turned 12 last week and is now qualified to be in the hunger games. You regard the games as a death sentence with only survivors not winners.
  2. As soon as you are dressed, you grab your boots and head out to the woods. You grad your bow and arrows from their hiding place in a hollow log. You immediately shoot a nearby rabbit and when you go to retrieve it, you see Max, your cute best friend, get it for you. He slips that and a small piece of bread into your bag. "Thank you..." you whisper.
  3. Your mother has laid out a soft blue dress on your bed for you to wear. You do your hair, put on the dress, and stand in front of the mirror. In it, you see a 16-year old blond haired girl with sparkling blue eyes and a beautiful smile. "Well Sarah," you think to yourself. "It's time."
  4. You got through the video by staring at Max the whole time and not looking at the skull on the screen.
  5. Effie trinket is sporting hot pink for the 74th hunger games this year!
  6. "Ladies first!" She walks over to the bowl where your name is entered 35 times. "The ladies tribute is..."
  7. You will find out next time! I am such a tease!
  8. Anyway... Please comment and rate! I hope you enjoyed this!
  9. The next one will come out in a month!
  10. The odds are never in our favor! See you next time!

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