Hufflepuff Or Slytherin?

If you like quizzes, and harry potter, and J.K Rowling this is totally the quiz for you! She is really awesome.Read the books please! I seem to only be on the second one but.. Let's go for number 2!

I hope you like this quiz,Harry Potter, and J.K Rowling if so this is your kind off quiz! If you are a slytherin or hufflepuff neither matters. But what does is that you read the books!

Created by: Madison

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If someone were drowning would you...
  2. If you could have any power would it be...
  3. Your ideal teacher would be...
  4. Do you like ice cream?
  5. What potion would you give an enemy?
  6. If you could be liked (loved) by someone would it be...
  7. You get an F-. You realize its so bad that its not a score. You presume it means Fantastic. You question it. You go to the teacher and...
  8. Laziness Meter!
  9. Flavors
  10. What

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