Httyd what nightlight are you

If you want to figure out what nightlight you are you should like this quiz are you Pouncer ruffrunner or dart I don’t know take this quiz to find out hope you enjoy

If you don’t watch how to train your Dragon I wouldn’t recommend this quiz you might not understand it if you do watch how to train your Dragon he probably will understand it

Created by: Ruffrunner
  1. Who is your favorite nightlight
  2. What is your favorite thing to do with your free time
  3. Do you like to swim
  4. How would your friends describe you
  5. Do you like to explore
  6. What is your favorite color
  7. If you were a dragon would you like to fly
  8. If a dragon attacked by a dragon what would you do
  9. What is your favorite dragon
  10. Do you like how to train your Dragon

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Quiz topic: Httyd what nightlight am I
