How Zimbo are you?

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We all believe we are Zimbos but some are more Zimbo than others. TAKE THIS QUIZ AND LETS FIND OUT WHICH YOU ARE. Proudly brought to you bu Your number one Zimbabwean online shop

So how di you do. Dont lie to yourself, this is based on real surveys. Help us make the questions more original next time by simply inboxing you questions

Created by: ruu
  1. We asked 200 Zimbabwean women. Name something a men doesnt do as well as they think?
  2. Name a rumour a typical Zimbo might spread about her ex so that no other woman would date him?
  3. We asked 100 Zimbo men, what part of your body is bigger than it was when you were 16?
  4. When people talk about the big one, to what might they be refering to?
  5. We aske 230 people, name a type of crack
  6. We aske 140 men, whats the most annoying text phrase
  7. We aske 100 women, whats your mens favourite food
  8. We asked a 100 single women, W the worst question your dad can ask your boyfriend
  9. Name something you put in your mouth but dont swallow
  10. We asked 300 women, how many times have you cheated on your husbund

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Quiz topic: How Zimbo am I?