How Youngstown are you?

You know you've heard of it, you may have family there, and you may not want to admit your love for it but NOW see for real: How Youngstown are you? In a few minutes you can see how much steel you have running through YOUR veins.

Youngstown: Home to Jailed Congressmen, the guy who wrote In-a-gadda-da-vida, and Omarosa! They're Youngstown are you? In a few minutes you can see how much steel you have running through YOUR veins.

Created by: Renee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is "pop"?
  2. If I said to you: "I seen her down the corners" what yould you say?
  3. What is the Jian Iggle (aka Giant Eagle)?
  4. Jim Traficant is:
  5. "Da Valley" is:
  6. In "Da Eesside" you will find:
  7. You are home for the holidays and your mother is making a roast. You:
  8. In Youngstown you can buy this in bulk wholesale:
  9. Campbell and Struthers
  10. When you want the truth about what is going on you turn to
  11. Would you still go to your High School football games when you are over 50?
  12. Chipped Chopped Ham:
  13. Which one of these says summer to you:
  14. The end of summer is:
  15. Last but not least: 224 or 422?

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Quiz topic: How Youngstown am I?