How Yick are You

Are you a Yicker or did you move in? Yickers are a proud breed and you should be proud to live there whatever your origins. So take this quiz to see hot Yick you really are.

From the farms to the mines and the slag heaps. From the workies to the catholic, conny and labour clubs. Haydock is not just a place it's a community.

Created by: Jef
  1. What school did you go to?
  2. What were the piles of slag known as
  3. What is the oldest thing you remember on Haydock Lane?
  4. What or who is Purple Ackie?
  5. Where were you more likely to have a drink?
  6. What did you do on Friday night?
  7. What did you do on Saturday night?
  8. Where did your grandad work?
  9. What did the Conny Club used to be?
  10. Where did Silcock's used to go?
  11. How many Labour Clubs?
  12. Who is / was Roy the Veg

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Quiz topic: How Yick am I