How would your friends describe you?

I named the quiz wrong. It is supposed to be "How is your friendship going?" Well I hope you have fun!! And I hope you get a good score, If not we can't all find the right ones in the beginning!

I named the quiz wrong. It is supposed to be "How is your friendship going?" Well I hope you have fun!! And I hope you get a good score, If not we can't all find the right ones in the beginning!

Created by: Jessicah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do YOU think you are pretty?
  2. Do YOU think you are nice?
  3. Do YOU think you are fat?
  4. Do YOU think you are smart??
  5. Now it is time to pass it over to your bestie to finish the quiz!! (No affect)
  6. Do you think your friend is pretty?
  7. Do you think your friend is nice??
  8. Do you think your friend is fat??
  9. Do you think your friend is smart?
  10. How old is your friend??

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Quiz topic: How would my friends describe you?