How would you survive as a Cat

In this quiz you will find out how long you will live as a cat. You can explore the world of being a cat and make life long choices. Find a den, Meet other cats, and more!

Be honest with your answers and do what you think would be right. Don't put a answer just cause it seems like it would be right. Be yourself! It matters.

Created by: Megan
  1. You are a 7 month old kitten, and wake up in a Forest. You need water and food.You would...
  2. While trying to find water you stumble across leftovers of a rabbit lying on the floor.
  3. You begin to eat the rabbit, but you hear steps coming towards you.
  4. You run away as fast as you could but you trip over a big rock and fall onto the ground. You fail to get up.
  5. Something, or someone lifts up the rock helping you. It is a Adult female cat
  6. She tells you that your in the forest and invites you to stay with her until you grow up
  7. You come home with her and she gives you some Deer and some water
  8. You grow up and you think that you should....
  9. You find a white cat with black spots. He is male and is very friendly.
  10. You become mates with the Male. Soon you are a mother of 1 to a beautiful Ginger cat called Masie.
  11. Your daughter, Masie grows up and moves out of your den.
  12. This is the end
  13. How did you like this Quiz?

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