How would we get along?

Well,Here is the quiz that nobody ask for...So hear I simply made a test for getting to know if we will get along.Do you think we´d get along? efhebciuebiec cnebchewbchiewbc cniejbcuhbc

DISCLAMER:These my first time creating a quiz and sorry for the orthography and non-sense things,Im not an eanglish speaker so lets beging! vgvgyvg vgyvgv gvgv gygyijiojugte ygtrghubhg

Created by: Swapy
  1. Someone you know who is not very "popular" greets you, what do you do?
  2. Are you a good listener?
  3. If we were hanging out and the typical stupid song starts playing in public and I start goofing around...what will you do?
  4. If we were given test results and I fail and you pass,and Im complaning about it (even if imy reasons are stupid),What woud you said?
  5. Do you prefere....
  6. your friend is sitting alone in a party while most of the people is dancing,what would you do?
  7. Do you like scenic arts (dancing,acting,singing...)
  8. in class you are...
  9. I need ten questions so...(these doesnt count)
  10. same as number 9

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