how will you look like in the future?

there are many wise and bold people.but a couple are geniuses and the other couple are not.what is a genuis?you say?A genius is someone smart and can solve complex problems.

are YOU a genius.take this quiz and find never know what you will get!do you have the brainpower to take it?or did someone dare you to take it.

Created by: arijana
  1. what is your hair color?
  2. what color hair would you dye when you are older?
  3. what is your color eyes?
  4. what is your height?
  5. pick a star from Disney Channel?
  6. what is your personality?
  7. what kind of makeup do you wear?
  8. what do you wanna when you grow up?
  9. how would you describe your hair?
  10. are you ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: How will I look like in the future?