How Will You Fail?

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Some of the most popular things you see on the internet are based on fails, or even memes. When you want to know how you will fail, then take this quiz, and you will know how bad you will fail!

Are you likely to fail? How badly will you fail? You will now know when you take this quiz, and you will know whether to post it on the internet, or to stay inside and be safe!

Created by: Joseph D. Smith

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How accident prone are you?
  2. How stable is your mind?
  3. What is your best quality out of the three?
  4. What is your height-range?
  5. What is your weight-range?
  6. Are you a showoff?
  7. How often do you use a camera?
  8. Are you easily tricked?
  9. Are you a trickster?
  10. What kind of media do you enjoy?

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Quiz topic: How will I Fail?