how will you die (dumb)

this quiz is for all bananas and i mean ALL bananas short ones fat ones ones that have been cut into in 7 pieces ones and even rocket scantest ones . okay for real mr communist neanderthal this is a very random quiz for comedy

ever bored of reading the adventures of your next doors neighbours Amoeba yes? Then take this comedy quiz of pure idiocy no for real its very dumb hope you enjoy!

Created by: the floper kid
  1. how did your grandma die
  2. would you rather
  3. who is your best freind
  4. where were you born
  5. whats your 3rd Favourite food from skudooplah land nation
  6. chose your pet for the kitchen
  7. what your worst nightmare scenario
  8. what would you like to do for your -4th birthday
  9. what will you sue
  10. what is your favourite grocery store
  11. whats your name
  12. what vehicle do you drive
  13. how dumb out of 23.8 is this quiz
  14. how do you look like
  15. last cweschun wich wurd is spelt da bestt

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Quiz topic: How will I die (dumb)

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