How will you die and when?

Ever wonder how you will die or when you will? Now you can with this quiz. It will ask you 12+ questions and you need to answer truthfully or it will be incorrect.

Ever wonder how you will die or when you will? Now you can with this quiz. It will ask you 12+ questions and you need to answer honestly or it wont work.

Created by: Calise
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you drink?
  2. Do you smoke or do drugs?
  3. If anhot guy asked you to get into his car would you?
  4. Are you single or taken?
  5. Do you walk alone at night?
  6. Do you trust strangers right away?
  7. Are you overweight or obese?
  8. Do you eat....
  9. Are you on Medications
  10. Whats your favorite color?
  11. Do you have any heart conditions?
  12. Do you have asthma or health problems?

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Quiz topic: How will I die and when?