How will you die?

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Hello, welcome to another quiz! I made a lot so far. This quiz might scare you so be honest but do not complain if you don't get a good result. Please don't complain.

I know this sounds scary, but you actually would want to know how you would die. A lot of quizzes on the top 40 or the front page have titles similar to that.

Created by: jwziliak
  1. What do you like for lunch?
  2. Do you live by the coast?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. What number did you pick?
  5. What is the meaning of life?
  6. What is your favorite minecraft feature?
  7. Will you rate?
  8. Will you comment?
  9. What is your weirdest phobia (If you don't have any, what would you rather have)?
  10. What does your name start with?
  11. Where would you rather visit?
  12. Who do you look more like?
  13. How would you rather die?
  14. Are you poor?
  15. Are you good at sports with balls?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?
