How will you die?

There are so many ways to die. Some are just funny, some are soo sad. And we can't escape death. It waits for all of us. Did you ever wondered how will you die?

I made some very... happy ways to die. Will you get shoot by a stranger? Will you die when you'll sleep? Will you die in a plane crash or lion will eat you in zoo? You can commit suicide because you'll lost the one you love, too... P.S. I'm not Anerican/English so sorry for mistakes.

Created by: Nikt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you have friends?
  3. Do you like doing dangerous things?
  4. Do you have at least one friend who lives soooo far?
  5. If you fall in love with a boy/girl and you loved each other sooo much, would you kill yourself if he/she asks you to?
  6. Do you like animals?
  7. Do you like going to cinema?
  8. What about painful death?
  9. Did you ever get somewhere by a plane?
  10. If you were sooooooo sad for sooooo long time, would you kill yourself?
  11. Do you like lions?
  12. What do you think, how long can you survive in this stupid joke? (I mean life)
  13. Whitch one you think you'll get?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?