How will you die?

Life is awesome. Everyone chooses to live life in a different way. Some like to work their brain, while others like physical activities. Some even like both.

So if life is so good, then what is the end? Will your death be on purpose by someone? Will you cause it. Will it be from an illness? Or will it be calm and peaceful? Find out now.

Created by: Jacob Seabolt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear noises around the corner in a dark alley... It sounds like a fight so you:
  2. The person who sits next to you in school gets really sick and still goes to class, what do you do?
  3. Your older brother has never been nice to you, but still expects to be in your will, so you
  4. Your girlfriend(boyfriend) is a brat, but is the president's child so you...
  5. How well do you do in school
  6. How are your athletics
  7. 1-10 how do you rank in popularity? 1 being the lowest
  8. How often do you get colds?
  9. Do you play sports?
  10. how was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?