How will you die?

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Hi welcome to my quiz which will answer how you’ll die. But please don’t take this quiz seriously, it’s just for fun. Nothing is set in stone, especially not your own death.

Don’t mind the weird anime faces :) Now I’m just gonna shekebeukekdbaomfbdienwhdjdhwidbdudisbsudjdbdifjrrkrrnddhdjejjdhdnsjwokwnwwheiirnegudmabiejegqoembduejbeguek

Created by: reverie
  1. What’s your favorite color?
  2. Which one of these animals would you like to pet?
  3. Which one of these sports are your favorite?
  4. What’s one of your hobbies?
  5. What’s your best trait?
  6. Are you a good person?
  7. Do you daydream often?
  8. You are a/an
  9. In your head you would call a random old person walking in front of you with a cane...
  10. Are you bored?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?
